A guide to CHAS accreditation
If you’re looking for help our guide to CHAS accreditation will get you started and give you some basic information.
- Learn more. You will find a content list giving you more information including costs.
- CHAS support. We are here to support you.

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A guide to CHAS accreditation
Our guide to CHAS will give you a quick over view of CHAS. There are over thirty accreditation suppliers. The main ones are:
CHAS is the most well known, but all accreditations are the same as they all comply to the SSIP standard. PQS is the most economical at this time. We can advise you of the best supplier for your circumstances.
SSIP (Safety Schemes in Procurement) is an umbrella organisation. SSIP was formed in 2009 to reduce the duplication of health and safety assessments.
Why get accredited
For contractors, it offers a way to demonstrate compliance and prequalify for supply chain opportunities without needing multiple certifications from several different assessment bodies. Once you’ve achieved accreditation with one assessment body, you can share your data with the other recognised assessment bodies.
For clients, it offers a reliable way to ensure the competence and compliance of contractors. By working with contractors that hold this level of accreditation, you can ensure the safety, sustainability and efficiency of your supply chain operations.
What is involved with the accreditation
All business sizes can achieve accreditation. The application includes thirteen areas of risk management. The areas require questions to be answered and supporting documents.
- Identity – Company name, contact details, registration, company size and address to verify that you’re legally operating within the UK.
- Financial – Company’s financial information and provide any required supporting documentation.
- Insurance – You must provide details of the insurance you are required to have to operate your business.
- Corporate and Professional Standing – Corporate and professional standing.
- Health and Safety – You must show that your company has taken steps to comply with all health and safety legislation, protect workers, site visitors, and the public from hazards and harm
- Environmental – How you reduce the environmental impact of projects. Meet environmental management standards.
- Quality – Quality assurance to reduce the risks involved in projects. Confirmation that your company meets quality management standards.
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) – Promoting equality and diversity in the workplace and providing fair treatment of all people.
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) – Your company’s impact on society.
- Information Security – Protecting personal data in line with the GDPR.
- Information Management – Information Management explores how your company develops, manages and controls design information, if applicable.
- Anti-Bribery and Corruption – Prevent persons within or associated with your organisation from receiving bribes or bribing others.
- Modern Slavery – assess and manage modern Slavery and human trafficking risks.
You can complete the accreditation of any recognised assessment bodies as listed above.
All recognised assessment bodies have entered into a data-sharing agreement called deem to recognise. You can apply for PQS accreditation and obtain a CHAS certificate using the deem to recognise process.
What Supporting Documents Will You Need?
Many of the questions in the application require you to provide supporting documents alongside your answers. The documents you’ll need will depend on your business, but they’re likely to include your:
• Risk management policies
• Anti-slavery and human trafficking statement
• Corporate social responsibility policy
• Environmental management policy
• Any insurance certificates you hold, such as Contractors All Risk, Employer’s Liability, Product Liability, Professional Indemnity and Public Liability insurance certificates
• ISO certifications, such as ISO 27001, 14001, or 9001 (or equivalents)
• Trade-specific licences/accreditations
The SSIP accreditation is designed to minimise duplication, so if you hold a valid SSIP certificate, you won’t have to complete questions that you answered previously. Any supporting documentation and certificates you provide will need to be valid and up-to-date. Your risk management policies should have been recently reviewed to ensure they remain effective and, if necessary, revised to ensure that they are relevant to your workplace.
CHAS Support
We are here to give you impartial advise and support. CALL 0800 031 5404 or complete a form on the site and we can discus your requirements, the costs of accreditation and how we can make the process simple and easy for you.
Learn more about CHAS
We have a series of articles where you can learn more about CHAS. The list of articles is below: