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CHAS assessment criteria

Insight by

Bob Evans

Bob Evans

Published on

27 September 2024


CHAS assessment criteria

The CHAS assessment criteria are the same as those of all SSIP suppliers. SSIP (Safety Schemes in Procurement) is an umbrella organisation formed in 2009 to reduce the duplication of health and safety assessments.

The CHAS assessment standards and requirements are listed below.

  • Policy
  • Arrangements
  • Occupational Health
  • Behavioural Management
  • Enforcement Actions
  • Accident Reporting and Investigation
  • Fleet Operations / Management Scheme
  • Competent Advice – Corporate and Construction
  • Drug and Alcohol Policy
  • Training and Information
  • Individual Qualifications and Experience
  • Monitoring, Audit and Review
  • Risk Assessment Leading to a Safe System of Work
  • Workforce Involvement
  • Co-operation and Co-ordination
  • Welfare Provision
  • Subcontractors and Sub-consultants
  • Contractor
  • Principal Contractor
  • Designer

Below is a flavour of the detail required for the first five parts of the CHAS application.


The Health and Safety Policy should be:

  • In the correct company name (As listed on the CHAS 2013 Ltd application)
  •  Dated within the last 12 months
  • Approved by the appropriate company director / responsible person
  • Lists the persons with health and safety responsibilities and sets out the responsibilities of H&S management throughout the organisation.

We can make the process of the CHAS application easy for you by doing it for you.


The arrangements section of the Health and Safety policy should include but not limited to the following:

  • Accident reporting, including RIDDOR, first aid and work-related ill health 
  • Training
  • Information, instruction & supervision
  • Communication
  • Risk assessment
  • Monitoring
  • Emergency procedures
  • Asbestos
  • COVID -19

Occupational Health

The policy or arrangements should include the following:

• Measures to raise awareness of these issues such as posters and toolbox talks

• How the workforce can access help and support if suffering from these issues Health & Safety Assessment Guidance v1.0 (website) 05/07/2023 Uncontrolled document when printed Page 2 of 13 Classification: PUBLIC • How the workforce is trained to handle these issues such as access to accredited mental health first aid training.

Behavioural Management

The supporting evidence must confirm that there are documented arrangements in place for a behavioural management or behavioural safety programme.

Enforcement Actions

Details of any enforcement notices (Prohibition, Improvement or Crown) or prosecutions served on your company in the last five years by the HSE or Local Authority and the remedial actions taken to prevent a reoccurrence. A prosecution or notice will not debar the business from registration but a failure to declare one could – please note that CHAS will check the HSE public register of convictions.

Accident Reporting and Investigation

Supporting Information:

• Documented arrangements for the recording, reporting, and reporting of accidents (Including RIDDOR reportable accidents).

  • Records of all RIDDOR-reportable and other incidents for at least the last three years, including remedial actions to prevent a reoccurrence.
  • Records of any other accidents within the last three years, including the remedial actions to prevent a reoccurrence. The accident statistics for the last three years incorporating the following categories: Health & Safety Assessment Guidance v1.0 (website) 05/07/2023 Uncontrolled document when printed Page 3 of 13 Classification: PUBLIC
  • Deaths
  • Specified Injuries
  • Over 3 days incapacitated
  • Over 7 days Incapacitated
  • Injuries to non-workers
  • Occupational Diseases
  • Dangerous Occurrences
  • Gas Incidents

Chas assessment standards


Learn more about CHAS

We have a series of articles where you can learn more about CHAS. The list of articles is below:

CHAS Support

Completing the CHAS application takes time and resources, as well as completing lots of forms and health and safety documentation.

We can make it easy for you by doing all the leg work for you. We carry out over 500 applications a year with 100% success.

For a small fee, we can take the pain away for you.

Complete the form, and we will tell you how it works and how much the whole process costs, including the CHAS fee for your circumstances.

    I confirm I have read and agree to the Seguro Health and Safety Consultants Privacy Policy.

    CHAS Training guidance

    Insight by


    Amanda Lambert

    Published on

    14 March 2024


    CHAS Training Guidance

    You will be required to prove that your personnel have been trained and you have the correct training and procedures to show they are performing their jobs responsibly with Health & Safety.

    The training requirements often differ depending on which sector you are in and the business size. CHAS has identified some set minimum criteria, and it is a good place to start for all companies.

    To comply with the standard, you may be required to train your personnel in the following courses if you have not already done so.

    CHAS will accept any training qualification provided it meets the content requirements and an organisation of suitable expertise has independently approved it.

    Such organisations include:

    • Relevant Trade Associations, e.g. BESA, ECA
    • Safety organisations, e.g. RoSPA, IOSH, IIRSM
    • Government agencies, e.g. CITB
    • Regulated training authorities, e.g. City & Guilds

    Seguro health and safety training

    We offer twenty-four health and safety training courses at a fraction of the cost management time you’d expect; this health and safety e-learning has the bonus of a minimal loss of productivity because it’s efficient and flexible.

    You can try them for FREE.

    Learn more about CHAS

    We have a series of articles where you can learn more about CHAS. The list of articles is below:

    CHAS Deem to satisfy – Everything you need to know

    Insight by


    Amanda Lambert

    Published on

    3 October 2016


    CHAS deem to satisfy

    The CHAS Deem to Satisfy (DtS) scheme allows contractors to apply for CHAS Standard membership without undergoing another health and safety assessment.

    All member schemes listed on the SSIP forum adhere to the SSIP Core Criteria, backed by the Health and Safety Executive.

    By mutually recognising each other’s schemes, suppliers benefit from only needing to complete one assessment, while buyers enjoy more efficient procurement processes. This approach reduces costs and has saved over £68 million since 2016.


    Contractors must have already met the requirements of an assessment through another SSIP member scheme. 


    Contractors can save time and resources by avoiding a full assessment. They can also avoid paying full price for multiple accreditations. 


    Contractors can: 

    1. Check if they have a qualification that CHAS recognises by contacting CHAS or using the e-form. 
    2. Submit their assessment, which will be reviewed within 10 working days. 
    3. Respond to any requests for additional information within the 2-week deadline. 

    CHAS deem to satisfy registered members

    Two-Way Deem to Satisfy between SSIP Registered Members.

    Approval with a Registered Member can only be used to Deem to Satisfy with another Registered Member; it cannot be used to gain a Deem to Satisfy with a Certification Body Member.

    Below is the list of registered members you can use for deem to satisfy:

    3Core2 Certification Limited Trading As SafeArb SafeArb

    Achilles Information Ltd Building Confidence

    Alcumus SafeContractor Ltd Alcumus Safecontractor

    Altius VA Limited CDMComply

    Arboricultural Association ARB Approved Contractor

    Association for Project Safety APS Corporate Practice Membership

    Avetta Avetta Assessed

    CHAS 2013 Ltd Contractors Health & Safety Scheme

    Construction Safety Solutions PASS

    CQMS Ltd CQMS Safety-Scheme

    D W Health & Safety DW Health & Safety Contractor Competency Scheme

    Fall Arrest Safety Equipment Training Ltd FASET Membership Audit

    Fortius Ltd Acclaim Accreditation

    Greenlight Safety Assessment Scheme Ltd Greenlight Safety Assessment Scheme

    Hire Association Europe Ltd SafeHire Certification Scheme

    International Powered Access Federation [IPAF] IPAF SSIP

    MSL Property Care Services Ltd MSL Safepartner

    National Access & Scaffolding Confederation Ltd NASC SSIP Audit

    National Federation of Demolition Contractors NFDC Membership

    PQS Pre-Qualification Scheme PQS Health & Safety Approved

    Salus Certification Salus Certification

    Safe-T-Cert [NI] {Construction Employers Federation} Safe-T-Cert

    Safe-T-Cert [ROI] {Construction Industry Federation} Safe-T-Cert

    Safety Management Advisory Services Ltd SMAS Worksafe

    SSG Training and Consultancy Ltd SSG Assessed

    William Martin Compliance Limited Prosure 360

    Learn more about CHAS

    We have a series of articles where you can learn more about CHAS. The list of articles is below:

    If you have any questions on what is CHAS accreditation please get in touch.

    CHAS Support

    Completing the CHAS Deem to Satisfy takes time and knowledge.

    We can make it easy for you by doing all the leg work for you. We carry out over 500 applications a year with 100% success.

      CHAS accreditation cost

      Insight by


      Amanda Lambert

      Published on

      24 November 2015


      CHASS accreditation costs

      Our CHAS accreditation cost article will give you all the information you need to make a decision, if CHAS is right for you.

      The CHASS accreditation costs below are dated January 2025. Please get in touch with us for up-to-date costs if this article becomes out of date.

      CHAS offers three membership packages with different levels of accreditation:

      CHAS Standard

      The entry-level package includes a health and safety assessment and SSIP accreditation. 

      CHAS Advanced

      The mid-range package includes all the Standard package benefits, plus helps you achieve SSIP and PAS 91 accreditation. 

      CHAS Elite

      The highest level of accreditation, which includes all the benefits of the other packages, plus access to the Common Assessment Standard 

      The Common Assessment Standard covers 13 areas of risk management, including: 

      1. Identity
      2. Financial
      3. Insurance
      4. Corporate and professional standing
      5. Health and Safety
      6. Environmental management
      7. Quality management
      8. Equality
      9. Corporate and professional standing
      10. Information security
      11. Information management
      12. Anit-Bribery and corruption
      13. Modern Slavery

      While CHAS accreditation isn’t legally required, some clients may specify that it’s needed to work on their sites. It’s a common requirement for public sector and commercial contracts.

      CHAS accreditation cost

      CHAS has developed a membership-type offering that gives you the benefits described below. The cost of each type depends on how many people you employ. Costs per annum: You must renew the certification each year.

      CHAS membership benefits include: 

      • Free legal assistance
      • Business Shield support
      • A free 1-month CHAS RAMs trial
      • Access to a jobs board
      • Free resources
      • Exclusive discounts

      CHAS Standard

      • 1 person £409 + VAT
      • 2 to 4 people £459 + VAT
      • 5 to 15 people £749 + VAT
      • 31 to 50 people £1189 + VAT
      • 102 to 200 people £2019 + VAT

      CHAS Advanced

      • 1 person £639 + VAT
      • 2 to 4 people £739 + VAT
      • 5 to 15 people £1,139 + VAT
      • 31 to 50 people £1,859 + VAT
      • 102 to 200 people £3,00 + VAT

      CHAS Elite

      • 1 person £879 + VAT
      • 2 to 4 people £919 + VAT
      • 5 to 15 people £1,339 + VAT
      • 31 to 50 people £2,329 + VAT
      • 102 to 200 people £3,679 + VAT

      Other CHAS accreditation Costs


      To comply with the standard, you may be required to train your personnel in the following courses if you have not already done so.

      • Asbestos The Control of Asbestos Regulations
      • Working at Height The Work at Height Regulations CHAS 2013 Ltd –
      • First Aid The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations
      • Fire precautions The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and the Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations
      • Noise and vibration The Control of Noise at Work Regulations (NAW Regs) and The Control of Vibration at Work Regulations
      • Personal Protective Equipment Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations (PPE Regs)
      • Substances hazardous to Health Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regs (COSHH)
      • Electricity Electricity at Work Regs
      • Manual handling Manual Handling Operations Regulations (MHO Regs)
      • Work Equipment Provision and Use of Work Equipment (PUWE) Regs

      Competent person safety advisor

      You must employ a competent safety advisor if you employ more than five people. If you are a large organisation, you may already have one. Employing a qualified safety advisor may be prohibitive if you are a small contractor.

      We are the remote competent person safety advisor for over eight hundred companies. We can offer this service to you for a fraction of the cost.

      Cost Savings

      An alternative SSIP accreditation that saves you cost

      The other popular SSIP accreditation suppliers are:

      • PQS
      • Construction line
      • Safe Contractor
      • SMAS
      • CQMA
      • Builders profile
      • Evetta

      The costs for a PQS accreditation, for example, are:

      • Deem to satisfy £49 + VAT
      • 1 person £99 + VAT
      • 2 to 4 people £119 + VAT
      • over 5 people £149 + VAT

      As you can see, the cost is a fraction of the cost of CHAS. Why, you may ask. CHAS was a government project; in recent years, several corporations have bought it out. Costs have risen each time it has been taken over.

      CHAS and all the other accreditation suppliers operate under the SSIP umbrella and comply with the SSIP standard. This means the accreditation and applications are all the same.

      You can obtain a CHAS certificate with PQS accreditation with the deem to satisfy system. This can save you a lot of money.

      CHAS or other SIPP cost calculation

      The best way to calculate the full cost of your CHAS/SIPP accreditation is to tell us about your business, and we can give you a full breakdown of costs from the information you provide.

      We carry out over five hundred CHAS and other SIPP accreditations annually. We have the skills, prepared documents, and know how to get you accredited with the minimum of fuss and fast. We can turn around an accreditation within five days, subject to having all the information from you.

      Learn more about CHAS

      We have a series of articles where you can learn more about CHAS. The list of articles is below:

      CHAS Support

      Completing the CHAS application takes time and resources, as well as completing lots of forms and health and safety documentation.

      We can make it easy for you by doing all the leg work for you. We carry out over 500 applications a year with 100% success.

      For a small fee, we can take the pain away for you.

      Complete the form, or call us on 0800 031 5404 and we will tell you how it works and how much the whole process costs, including the CHAS fee for your circumstances.

        What is CHAS Accreditation?

        Insight by


        Amanda Lambert

        Published on

        19 August 2015


        What is CHAS Accreditation

        CHAS Accreditation was a government-run (not-for-profit) scheme administered by the London Borough of Merton. CHAS was acquired by Veriforce LLC, a US-registered company with headquarters in Houston, Texas, USA, in 2022.

        CHAS cofounded and helped pioneer the Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSIP) and the Common Assessment Standard.

        CHAS (Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme) has been developed and refined over a number of years by local government health and safety and procurement professionals, with the support of the Health and Safety Executive.

        Although government bodies have developed CHAS, it is available for use by any public and private sector organisation as an aid when short-listing contractors, suppliers and consultants who apply to work for them.

        CHAS provides information and assurances about the health and safety systems and competencies of the organisations that have been CHAS assessed or registered as CHAS accredited.

        Organisations must submit an application to CHAS to become registered with CHAS and then have a CHAS assessment carried out. By doing so, their potential clients know that they meet minimum acceptable health and safety compliance standards. Clients from both the public and private sectors use CHAS to make assessments of contractors in this way.

        Once the CHAS application has been approved for an organisation, their details are uploaded to the CHAS database, where client members of the Scheme can review an organisation’s details to check that they are, in fact, CHAS registered. One of the benefits to contractors is that by making a successful CHAS application, they can demonstrate to a wide number of potential clients that they achieve or exceed the minimum standards laid down by the assessment scheme.

        With the implementation of the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 (CDM), there are stricter requirements on Clients and Principal Contractors to ensure that they only employ ‘Competent Contractors’. CHAS has been named in the CDM Regulations by the Health and Safety Executive as being one of the assessment schemes that can be used when demonstrating your competence as an organisation.

        Learn more about CHAS

        We have a series of articles where you can learn more about CHAS. The list of articles is below:

        If you have any questions on what is CHAS accreditation please get in touch.