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Top Ten tips for completing a PQQ

Insight by


Amanda Lambert

Published on

22 May 2024

Health and safety blog

Seguro approval

Completing a PQQ can seem like a daunting task.

There are lots of sections and information about your company that you may not have had to think about before. Submitting a good PQQ doesn’t mean it will be a winning PQQ but it does mean you have a much better chance if you have shown you have taken the time to complete it properly.

It goes without saying a good PQQ has no errors or information missing and that you have answered all questions as fully as you can.

We have compiled a handy top ten tips list that should should help:

Top Tips

  1. Read the PQQ fully as the beginning so you can understand what is required of you.
  2. When putting the PQQ together take it one question at a time.
  3. Always provide evidence and supporting documentation when asked for.
  4. Ensure your answers focus on the requirements set out in the specification and evaluation criteria.
  5. Provide all of the information requested. If you cannot provide some of the information, for whatever reason, ask for advice or as a minimum give a reason for not providing the information so they know you have not just skipped that section.
  6. Where relevant, cross-reference the answers or responses in your PQQ to the questions as this will make it easier to evaluate.
  7. Be clear on your pricing model and state any assumptions you have made when pricing. This will enable the assessor to see the reasons you may be more expensive or indeed cheaper.
  8. The assessor can only evaluate what you have submitted. The assessor cannot refer to any previous knowledge or experience it has had with you unless it is in your submission
  9. Make sure you are aware of the objective of the contract – this will help focus your submission.
  10. Don’t be put off by the PQQ documentation – you can always ask for help.

A must for every PQQ is that you complete and return the document by the deadline and in the correct format that has been requested. Failure to do that simple thing could mean your PQQ isn’t even looked at.

If you still feel you need some help we are more than happy to see if there is anything we can do.

Get in touch with us via our General PQQ submission.

Pre Qualification Questionnaire Guide

Insight by


Amanda Lambert

Published on

24 February 2023

Health and safety blog

Pre Qualification Questionnaire Guide (PQQ)

Pre-Qualification Questionnaire, also commonly know as a ‘PQQ’, is a questionnaire that companies (suppliers ) have to fill in when looking to tender for schemes they want to work on. PQQ are used when applying for an approved supplier list or when applying for most accreditation schemes. They are pro-dominantly used in the public sector, but can be used for private sector tenders too.

Filling out a Pre-Qualification Questionnaire for the public sector, is an important process as they are used as a way to standardise all suppliers and the information needed to make a decisions when appointing new contracts. As all information is standard the PQQ can help to make a short list easier as companies are able to look at information in the same format and detail.

PQQs are scored according to the answers that you give so you need to ensure they are well thought out and give the best impression you can give of your company and its capabilities.

What is asked in a PQQ?

Every PQQ you fill in is effectively your companies marketing tool, filling out the PQQ to the best of your ability will allow you to show that your company is the best choice.

In general, a PQQ will need information about your:

  • Status
  • Finances
  • Quality Policy
  • Environmental Policy
  • Equal Opportunities Policy
  • Health and Safety Policy

We provide help if needed to complete any PQQ you may have been given as well as advice in ensuring that you have all the information you may need for further Pre Qualification Questionnaires you get.

Contractorplus Scheme

Insight by


Amanda Lambert

Published on

27 May 2019

Health and safety blog

ContractorPlus Scheme

What is the ContractorPlus Scheme?

ContractorPlus is a contractor health and safety PQQ web based system. The system is simple to use and cost effective. The ContractorPlus Health and Safety Consultants will assess your Health & Safety documents and ensure that you meet the level of requirements that are needed for the assessment.

There are a number of benefits to being a member of ContractorPlus

  • 24 hour health and safety telephone support
  • Achieving accreditation encourages pride and a sense of achievement internally within an organisation
  • ContractorPlus allows you to demonstrate your commitment to health & safety standards
  • Organisations accredited by ContractorPlus are seen as having a competitive edge within many industry sectors
  • Receive regular health and safety updates through email newsletters
  • Accredited contractors are visible to many new potential clients

Preparing the paperwork for your ContractorPlus can be a daunting task if it is not something you are used to doing on a daily basis. If you need any help contact us today.